To reference global variables within a range block, prefix them with $ which always points to the root (global) context, e.g. $.Values.ingress.ports.


Recently I ran into an annoying problem whilst trying to fix a helm template, which left me stumped for a while. I was trying to reference a global variable in a range loop and running into an error:

nil pointer evaluating interface {}

I was modifying the following Helm template to create an istio gateway. The template defines a load balancer that proxies connections to downstream servers.

The template loops through an array of ports defined in the .Values.service.ports global variable, and defines a port for each of them, it then defines a single hosts entry:

kind: Gateway
  {{- range $name, $config := .Values.service.ports }}
    - port:
        number: {{ $config.ingress.port }}
        name: {{ $ }}
        protocol: {{ $config.ingress.protocol }}
  {{- end }}
      {{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }}
        - {{ include "" . }}
      {{- end }}

I wanted to change it so that for each port, the hosts entry is repeated. To do this I did the obvious which was to modify the template to move the hosts entry inside the ports range loop:

kind: Gateway
  {{- range $name, $config := .Values.service.ports }}
    - port:
        number: {{ $config.ingress.port }}
        name: {{ $ }}
        protocol: {{ $config.ingress.protocol }}
      {{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }}
        - {{ include "" . }}
      {{- end }}
  {{- end }}

Seems simple right?

However this started throwing an error which left me stumped for an upsettingly long time:

Error: template: app/templates/routing/gateway.yaml:21:23: 
executing "app/templates/routing/gateway.yaml" at <.Values.ingress.hosts>: 
nil pointer evaluating interface {}.ingress

I couldn’t understand why the .Values.ingress.hosts was valid outside of the range loop but invalid inside it.

The Solution - Helm Variable Scoping

This came down to understanding variable scoping which is kind of explained here but not for this specific error:

Variables in Helm templates are scoped to the block they are in.

When the .Values.ingress.hosts was outside of the range block, .Values was valid, because .Values is defined in the root/global scope and that is where it is being accessed.

However once .Values.ingress.hosts was moved into the hosts range block, there is no .Values defined in the local scope in the block.

To fix this, .Values must be prefixed with $ which always points to the root (global) context so it can be accessed with a range block:

kind: Gateway
  {{- range $name, $config := .Values.service.ports }}
    - port:
        number: {{ $config.ingress.port }}
        name: {{ $ }}
        protocol: {{ $config.ingress.protocol }}
      {{- range $.Values.ingress.hosts }}
        - {{ include "" . }}
      {{- end }}
  {{- end }}